SERIOUS / play
Portion of "Here We Go Again" by Maura Segal (left) and portion of "Beginning" by Amanda Gentry (right)
Exhibition Dates: 02.25.17 - 04.09.17
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 25th, 2017 | 6-9pm
People, places, things... are rarely as they seem. What lies beneath the surface of first impressions provides new and unknown dimensions to experience, and those who are willing to linger know this. The pairing of works by artists Maura Segal and Amanda Gentry encourage us to challenge our initial perceptions.
At first glance, the serious tone of Gentry’s work is superficially evident: transitions from one plane to another - decisive; curves - intentional; negative space - considered. But with further exploration, this impression becomes inverted. Surfaces begin to dance with playful memories of wood-fueled flames, or glazes that mischievously run with their own agendas. Meanwhile, multi-layered, vibrant canvases created by Maura Segal are more immediately playful in nature. The seriousness of Segal’s work starts to reveal itself as color blocking defends crisply defined edges, and it quickly becomes clear the amount of discipline and patience that have been applied to numerous layers.